Having knee or kneecap pain while trying to stretch your hip flexors and quads!? Try out these hip flexor and quad stretching variations! The traditional half-kneeling hip flexor stretch with your knee on the ground can be uncomfortable for people. Also the traditional standing quad stretch...

This is a great full body posterior chain exercise that I took straight from the legend Kevin Wilk @wilk_kevin. . You get dynamic posterior cuff and periscapular stabilization through the action of constantly catching and releasing the dumbbell If you have a small plyoball, use that instead as...

Bored with the same old lunge variation? Give these a shot and tag a buddy you want to try them out with! . Movement variability is KEY to injury prevention, and I am always trying to challenge my patients with new movements. Athleticism as I define it...

Remember to vary your triceps training if your goal is big arms❗ . The triceps brachii actually has 3 different heads! The long head, lateral head, and medial head. The long head is the only one that actually originates from the shoulder - specifically the infraglenoid tubercle...

Where should you put you legs on the leg press❓ And let's forewarn you, there is NO wrong answer! Just as we believe there is no such thing as a "bad exercise", it all comes down to the goals and intentions of the exercise. . The leg...

How many times have you heard: �Sit up tall! �Back straight! �Chest up! �Don’t slouch! . Our guess is A LOT. And we’re here to tell you that this is NOT exactly the best advice. Now, there are times when small deviations in posture can and will affect your pain and...

One of my favorite exercises to incorporate early in the ACL rehab process are standing heel raises. Not only do you of course get work on the calf, but more importantly you work on: ✅ Terminal knee extension ✅ Glute and quad activation ✅ Progression into full weight...

Who loves some Copenhagen planks?! �‍♂️ Here is a video snippet of a variety of regressions to the familiar Copenhagen plank that most know. . There is rightly an emphasis on the gluteals and their role in frontal plane knee stability in rehab, but far too often...

�️♂️ In end-stage shoulder rehab, it's all about getting away from isolated shoulder girdle exercises and bringing in the entire kinetic chain. At this point in time, there should be minimal/no pain and focus should be on strength and power development as well as a...

I absolutely love the dead bug and all of its variations for working on lower abdominal control with my patients. One of the most important things to look out for in this exercise is to make sure your client is using their lower abdominals and...
