HOW: Set up a band around your knees and be sure to not let your knees collapse in. Slightly bend your knees and set-up into a mini squat position. While keeping your shoulders stacked over your knees and toes, side step in one direction...

HOW: Get a bosu blue-side-up set up next to you on the side you plan to target first. Perform a lateral lunge by stepping out to the side and onto the bosu followed by bending at your hip and knee while letting your trunk...

HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground and toes facing...

HOW: Set up a band around your feet and be sure to maintain a good arch while you perform this exercise. Slightly bend your knees and set-up into a mini squat position. While keeping your shoulders stacked over your knees and toes, side step...

HOW: Get set up in a standing position holding the kettlebell upside down by the ‘horns’ holding it close to your chest. Get your feet shoulder width apart and brace your abs. Now initiate the movement from your elbows while keeping your shoulders packed....

HOW: Set-up a bosu in front of you within a comfortable distance that you can step onto without losing your balance. Perform a forward lunge onto the bosu and slowly lower yourself down into a lunge position, then return to standing position and repeat. ...
