The goblet squat is without a doubt one of the best squat corrective exercises out there. The forward weight provides a counterbalance, allowing the athlete to sit back into the squat. Instruct the athlete to slowly lower down into the bottom of a squat and...

Need to improve your squat control? Need a drill to fix the immature squat? The use of bands to provide tactile cues can rapidly change an athlete’s squat. For an athlete with valgus collapse problems (knees caving in) place the band around his knees and...

This stretch is for all the desk jockeys. The thoracic spine is often stable and generally on the stiffer side, limiting mobility. This limited mobility can manifest in compensations up or down the chain, which is why people often have neck and low back pain! . Your...

Here is an exercise that addresses hip external rotators and the core when performed correctly. It has been shown that hip external rotation strength was a useful predictor of injury status. (1)Anyone with adequate hip mobility can benefit from this exercise to reduce risk of...

With the amount of time we spend sitting at a � desk, it's no surprise that two of the most commonly tight muscles in our neck are the levator scapulae and upper trapezius. However, despite the seemingly close anatomical similarities between these two muscles, there...

Sit squats can rapidly fix an athlete’s squat when they have difficulty maintaining position in the bottom of the squat. Sit on a ball or box that is positioned so that the athlete’s thighs are parallel to the ground. Instruct the athlete to pull his...

Lifting that involves pushing is often overemphasized in people’s training routine, especially when compared to pulling lifts. This can lead to extremely tight pectoralis muscles. That is why stretching to maintain muscle length of the pectoralis major and minor is vital. . A problem with how some...

Here is a closed chain exercise to help target the scapular stabilizers, especially the serratus anterior. Why closed chain? If you remember our “Fix The Movement” post, you will recall that full upward rotation of the scapula requires a serratus anterior manual muscle test (MMT)...

The bottoms up squat makes a great exercise to fix the immature squat. Reaching to the toes first gets many athletes to shift their hips backwards, which is maintained when they sit their bottoms down. By placing the arms between the legs, the athlete is...

The ab wheel roll out can be one of the most brutal bodyweight anti-extension core exercises out there. There's a huge lever arm, and the dynamic aspect of the instability of the wheel adds further demand as well as an additional component of core control....
