Here is an awesome drill to promote CONTROLLED dissociation. There's a difference between just rotating your body fast versus controlled dissociation activating our muscles. Excessive rotation of the spine, especially with trunk flexion, can cause shearing forces at the annulus fibrosus on the same side...

Speed skaters are an excellent exercise for so many reasons! This exercise targets the hip abductors in a unilateral power fashion. There is a concentric phase when you push off the board and drive towards the other side. There is also an added isometric and...

'Arnolds', at least that’s what I call them - a modified version of the dumbbell shoulder press. This is a modified arnold press as there is no back support. The problem with performing overhead press with back support is exactly just that…support. It is easy...

"Approximately 34% of people who experience acute low back pain (LBP) will have recurrent episodes. It remains unclear why some people experience recurrences and others do not, but one possible causes is a loss of normal control of the back muscles (1).” When it comes to...

Here is a shoe string model I designed for the visual learner to better understand neurodynamics. Be sure to turn your sound on as I explain in more detail what is happening to the median nerve at different joints based on position. Neurodynamics is the physical...

Ever wonder how the PGA pros warm up? Check out this exercise that is part of Jordan Spieth's dynamic warm up routine. This drill helps with activating the hip stabilizing musculature, scapular stabilizers, and promoting thoracic spine mobility. The evolution of the modern golf swing is...

If you want to challenge your balance, you need to add demands to the task that decrease your stability. Perturbations are an effective way to add instability to your exercise. Perturbations are awesome because they provide constant variability. Research has shown variability of practice can...

Get back to running and improve your running with bounding! According to an article by Powers 2010, “The external moments (force couples) created by the resultant ground reaction force (from the ground) are resisted internally by muscles and noncontractile tissues such as ligaments and the joint...

In addition to glute and core strength, the gastrocnemius-soleus (GS) complex also has an important role during running. “Peak forces in the Achilles tendon can be estimated; these forces range from 6-8x body weight, with the greatest forces generated during mid-stance of running.” Also, the...

Lets face it, there are a TON of exercises for the core. A lot of them would likely help with trunk and pelvis stability, but these three have specific implications for runners. Runners should perform core exercises that also target hip abduction and external rotation...
