Do you do the standing side crunch or dumbbell side bend? Why? Do you like staring at yourself in the mirror while lifting a 45lb pound plate? I know I was guilty in my college days (insert emoji). But now I am smarter, and SO...

The bear crawl corresponds to a 14-month-old child. Typically this is manifested with 3 points of contact with the floor. However, in this video the bear crawl is progressed to 2 points of contact. The bear crawl is an excellent exercise to challenge dynamic core stability....

This exercise is hands down one of the BEST GLUTE BURNERS you will ever feel (if it's done right)!! Just like the glute med wall lean, this exercise is an ISOMETRIC HOLD. I have found (similar to Dr. Powers' Hip Progressions) that isometrics are CLUTCH...

Rotator Cuff strengthening and Rotational Oblique Sit Once you achieve low oblique sitting, there are a few variations you can add: The first variation targets both shoulders: one in closed chain contacting the floor, the other in open chain pulling against the resistance band. You may add...

Oblique sitting corresponds to children who are 7.5 months of age, when the shoulder girdle is strong enough to support this position. Low oblique sitting is when the ipsilateral elbow is on the floor. In this clip my palm is touching the floor with an...

The body functions as a single unit rather than in segments during any complex movement such as those encountered in sports training and athletic performance. These complex movements require both local and global coordination of the various muscle groups necessary for multi-joint coordination of movement....

I love utilizing the half-kneeling variation to minimize any lower extremity compensation and truly work on the upper quadrant. You are essentially ELIMINATING ANY USE OF MOMENTUM from the lower extremities, forcing you to use less weight in the exercise as well. Furthermore, in order...

The core muscles are meant to activate prior to purposeful movement in order to establish a stable base. If there is no stable base prior to movement, there will be compensatory mechanisms that typically involve overloaded superficial muscle groups. This can then cause poor movement...

The standing landmine shoulder press is a absolute BEAST for shoulder (P)Rehab for the following reasons: . 1) Many individuals with shoulder impingement will get their symptoms at the end range. With the landmine press, the glenohumeral joint is NEVER AT END RANGE and therefore should be...

The landmine RDL is a great way to develop the adequate balance and proprioceptive control to transition from a normal double leg RDL to a true single leg RDL. The single leg RDL (which we will cover tomorrow) is particularly challenging for many because of...
