HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms overhead as high as you can tolerate. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed as possible.   FEEL: You may feel the...

HOW: Get set-up laying on your side, you can use a pillow for head and neck support. With the arm that is on your side, elevate up until your arm is straight up and down. Slowly lower back down until your arm is at...

HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms up to 90 degrees, this is when your arm is straight up and down. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed...

HOW: Position yourself sitting tall with your hands supported on your thighs. Squeeze your shoulder blades back together, think about pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades, relax and repeat.   FEEL: You should feel the muscles in between your shoulder blades getting a workout....

HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm in circles in this position. If this is irritating your shoulder you can stand upright, the less you hinge...

HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally, you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. You can use the assistance of your opposite arm to. As you feel more comfortable you will be able...

HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until your forearm is perpendicular to the floor.   FEEL: You will feel...

HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm in circles in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder you can...

WHY: This exercise will stretch a muscle that is in front of your hip going down towards the knee.   HOW: While laying on an elevated surface such as a couch, table, or bed bring one knee into your chest. Allow the other leg to...
