07 Jul Triple Broad Jump Assessment
For this assessment, you will be checking on your lower body horizontal explosive power and elasticity. You will need a tape measure placed on the ground and rolled out. You will start with your toes lined up at 0. Next, you will jump out horizontally attempting...
07 Jul Back Endurance Assessment
This assessment will be measuring your trunk extensor endurance. You will perform this by laying on your belly on the floor with a small pillow under your lower abdomen. From this position, lift your breastbone or sternum a few inches off the floor and hold. A...
06 Jul Rib Pain – Setting the Record Straight
Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:28 Rib anatomy 1:39 Why do we get rib pain? 2:25 What can we do for rib pain? 2:56 Explore healthy movement 3:15 Check your motion first! 4:02 Build tolerance Rib pain can feel so frustrating because oftentimes, we aren't quite sure what caused it to begin with! Join Arash...
27 Jun Turkish Get Up Capacity Assessment
The Turkish Get up Capacity Assessment is an assessment to evaluate symmetry in pressing capacity in both horizontal and vertical presses with varying core stability demands such as sitting, kneeling, standing. Please watch the video to get a visual demonstration of how to perform the...
26 Jun Single Leg Wall Sit Endurance Assessment
The single-leg wall sit endurance assessment is used to look at the muscle endurance of the lower extremity in a single-leg position. To begin this assessment, stand comfortably leaning against a wall with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Slide down the wall and assume a squatting...
26 Jun Total Hip Rotation Assessment
This assessment will allow you to check your hips ability to actively rotate. You will start in a sitting position, if possible it’s best to have your thigh parallel to the ground and feet dangling. You will need your phone to help with the measurement....
26 Jun Quadruped Heel To Butt Assessment
The quadruped heel to butt assessment is a good way to test the flexion mobility in your knee joint, specifically your tolerance to compressive forces at the knee joint. Start in an all four position on your hands and knees. If on the floor, be...
26 Jun 5 RM 3 Point Row Assessment
The 5 rep max (RM) 3 Point Row Assessment is meant to check in on your horizontal pulling strength. You will need some weight (either dumbbells or kettlebells) and a sturdy surface to place your non-working arm on. You will stand with your feet under you...
14 Jun Exercises for Calf Strains
Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:30 What does the calf muscle do? 1:00 What is a muscle strain? 1:53 Why do we see strains in the calf muscles? 2:51 What are calf strain symptoms? 3:32 Start with isometrics - why? 4:09 Isotonic exercises are next! 5:38 Onto eccentric work! 5:56 Should we stretch? Find out! Calf strains...
31 May Captain Morgan – Hip Drop, Swissball
HOW: Begin by standing near a wall. Assume a march position to stabilize an object with the knee of the side of the thigh that is lifted. Abduct or push the thigh out into the object. Push your hips back, bend at the knees, let...
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