HOW: Begin laying on your back with your legs straight and holding a kettlebell in one hand with that arm straight. From this position, keep the kettlebell pressed towards the ceiling as you bring your body up to a sitting position. Return to the starting...

HOW: Begin in a seated position with your legs straight in a split position. From this position, reach your arms forward, hold for the given amount of time, return to the starting position and then reach towards each leg holding for the given amount of...

HOW: Begin this exercise by laying on your stomach with your shoulders and mid back hanging off the edge and your legs serving as an anchor to the elevated surface. With your arms crossed across your chest, use your back muscles to lift your mid...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with your feet bent and holding a dumbbell with both hands at your chest. From this position, use your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders and mid back off of the ground.   FEEL: You will feel your abdominal muscles...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with your knees bent and arms comfortably resting at your side. From here, straighten one leg and push through your arms and planted foot lifting your hips and low back off of the floor. Hold for the prescribed amount...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with a dumbbell in one hand. Press the dumbbell overhead by straightening your elbow and then lift your shoulders and head as well as your feet up off the floor with your legs straight while performing a flutter kick...

HOW: Begin in a seated position on the ground with your hands comfortably planted under your shoulders and your knees bent with feet on the ground. From this position, push through your hands and feet to lift your hips off the ground a few inches....

HOW: Begin in a seated position at the edge of the chair with a dumbbell in each hand. Spread your feet so that the dumbbells stay in between your legs. From here, hinge at the hips bringing the dumbbells down towards the ground. Push through...

HOW: Begin laying on your stomach with your arms resting in the “pocket” area behind your back with your palms facing up and your elbows resting comfortably on the ground. From this position, lift your elbows off the ground as you bring your hands off...

HOW: Begin in a sidelying position on an inclined bench. WIth the free arm, grab onto a dumbbell with your palm facing down. Lift the arm up towards the ceiling pulling with your shoulder blade. Return to the starting position.    FEEL: You will feel the...
