HOW: Set-up 2 cones to the side of you in a lateral fashion. The amount of space between each cone will depend on how difficult you want the task to be. The cone also helps to provide feedback as to where to land. Perform...

HOW: Set-up 1 cone in front of you in a linear fashion. The amount of space between you and the cone will depend on how difficult you want the task to be. The cone also helps to provide feedback as to where to land....

HOW: Set-up 3 cones in a linear fashion with space between each cone. The amount of space between each cone will depend on how difficult you want the task to be. The cones also help to provide feedback as to where to land. Perform...

HOW: Set-up 3 cones in a linear fashion with space between each cone. The amount of space between each cone will depend on how difficult you want the task to be. Perform this drill with stopping on the same leg at each cone, then...

HOW: Get set-up standing and balancing on one foot. While maintaining your balance, move your head by looking up and down as far as directed or that you feel comfortable with.   FEEL: You should feel like your balance is being challenged. If you’re having...

HOW: Lift the kettlebell up to your shoulder. Keep the scapula neutral and maintain the forearm vertical to the ground for the entirety of this exercise. Maintain shoulder and elbows flexed to 90 degrees as you walk. FEEL: The shoulder musculature. COMPENSATION: Excessive shrugging...

HOW: Keep your scapula squeezes back and locked in. FEEL: The scapula region working in addition to the upper trap area. COMPENSATION: Don’t over-shrug the upper trap region. ...

HOW: Lower yourself by hinging at the hips, then driving the hips forward elevate yourself until you are fully erect. FEEL: The Entire Legs, particularly the Gluteals, Quadriceps, and Calves. COMPENSATION: Rounding the Low Back. ...
