Building upon yesterday's post, here is another variation of the dead bugs. This time, we are using our upper extremity to vary the biomechanical demands placed upon our core. You can alternate arms or reach overhead simultaneously. Again, the same rule applies: the core needs...

"How I Train - High Intensity Interval Training" I fell in love with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a few years ago and haven’t looked back. It’s an absolutely amazing way to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your training program. I hate jogging aimlessly on a treadmill....

Occasionally when I workout I experiment with new/unaccustomed movement patterns. Today, I came up with this variation of the landmine press and I absolutely love it. It's a true FULL BODY exercise that provides a challenge in ALL 3 PLANES. I'll break down some aspects...

I know each and everyone of us has been guilty of this at some point! We perfect our form through practice, rep out set after set with perfect form, and then when dropping/picking up the weight, we throw out all that practice and good form...

Shrugs are often utilized to develop huge and enormous traps. But are overly developed upper traps something we really want, from a biomechanical and movement based perspective? As we discussed in episode X, proper scapular upward rotation is essential to shoulder mobility. The 3 primary...

These exercises are often controversial as the internally rotated and high elbow position at the top of the movement is believed to be a shoulder impinging position that can possibly damage soft tissue structures. As the shoulder is internally rotated and flexed, the tendon of...

The seated knee extension machine is a great way to isolate the knee extensors, mainly the #rectusfemoris and #vastimuscles. However, caution must be taken for any individuals with knee osteoarthritis, meniscal injuries, or any other pathology that is sensitive to high shearing forces and loads. From...

The quadruped hip extension or “kneeling leg kicks” has become a fairly popular #glute exercise, especially amongst the female population. However, one of the BIGGEST compensations I commonly see in the gym is LUMBAR SPINE EXTENSION which can place undue stress on your spinal facets. The...
