HOW: Start in a standing athletic position. Shift your bodyweight to one side, then jump to the other side landing with the opposite foot.  Land softly and stay strong in the hip, knee, and ankle as you land. Then, rapidly push off with that...

HOW: Place the front of your lower legs on top of the swissball. Place your hands down on the ground with your elbows extended.  Push down into the swissball with your lower legs/ankles bringing your hips up into the plank position.  Make sure you...

HOW: While laying on your back, straighten your leg out and place your heel on an elevated surface with your toe pointed up. Typically lying back on your couch with your foot on the arm rest will suffice. Relax your leg muscles and let...

HOW: Laying on a table or elevated surface, make sure your knees are slightly hanging over the edge. Your knee cap should be just over the edge, comfortably. Let gravity pull your lower leg down and extend your knee. Hold that stretch as long...

HOW: While lying supine, bring both of your knees up and your feet flat on the ground. Place the slider underneath one foot. Push down into the slider with you heel as your straighten your leg all the way out. Keep the other bent...

HOW: While lying supine, relax your arms at your side with your palms down. Bring your knees up and place your feet flat on the ground. Place the slider underneath one foot (make sure to use a smooth floor surface!). As you push down...

HOW: Using a weight bench, place your elbow on the bench directly below your shoulder. Bend your knee and place it on the bench. Lift your hips up in the air to form a side plank position, then straighten out the top leg. Engage...
