Many things can be limiting ankle dorsiflexion mobility, with the 2️⃣ most common being calf muscle tightness or ankle joint mobility restrictions. So if you've been stretching your calf for weeks with no improvement in range, more than likely you have a joint restriction. Better...

Raise your hand if you got tight shoulders? �‍♂You're probably not the only one. This is one of my favorite banded shoulder mobility warmups I do before getting into any overhead work. As with any warmup, follow up your mobility work with dynamic movements to...

Have you wanted to torture your workout buddy, but couldn’t find out how? If so, try this killer scapular stability plank on a BOSU. The closed kinetic chain position of the plank is my absolute favorite way to work on shoulder stability �. The BOSU...

I saw this one on @bretcontreras1 feed the other day, and had to give it a shot myself. And wow, it’s a doozy. As we have highlighted before, the side plank has the highest MVIC of any bodyweight exercise for the glute med. Adding movement...

TRX Back Attack -Strengthen the Back of your Shoulders. . TRX -Total Body Resistance Exercise- is a system of levers between gravity and your body weight that is perfect for anyone because the level of resistance and difficulty can easily be controlled by the athlete. Demonstrated here...

Have you tried stretching your lats in every way possible? Are you self-mobilizing your shoulders incessantly with monsterbands? Chances are you are neglecting a HUGE aspect of increasing range of motion - learning to actually USE it. If you stretch, stretch, and stretch, you'll gain some...

Have you tried stretching? Maybe some banded mobilizations as well? Does nothing seem to help you regain PAIN FREE wrist extension? If that's the case, try THIS wrist mobilization technique I learned from Dr. Joe Godges, DPT, MA, OCS while I was in China. Place your...

Reverse Snow Angel [Shoulder Control �] . Here is a GREAT exercise for improving strength and control of your scapular stabilizing muscles at it’s end end ranges of motion. We recommend this typically before any upper body workout ESPECIALLY for you overhead athlete’s. . To perform this exercise: 1️⃣Lay prone...

Advanced Bridge [Glute Burner] . Here is an extremely difficult version of a bridge that requires much more hip stabilization compared to a traditional bridge. . To perform this Exercise: 1️⃣Bridge Up, ideally with lifting the pelvis higher than I demonstrate & with more knee flexion than shown in this...

Episode 536: Level up your Bridge! [Do your bridges right & Check Out the 4 level progression��] . Individuals with back and hip pathologies are often taught to perform bridges in the hook-lying position, elevating the pelvis off the floor. This exercise is particularly useful for facilitating...
