Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:58 Learn more about the ACL anatomy and it's role 2:06 Who is at risk of an ACL injury? 3:19 Do I need surgery? 5:40 What about re-tear? 6:01 What needs to be completed before return to sport 8:40 How does your forward hop look? 9:40 Would you pass this...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:31 What exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? 2:11 What to do for carpal tunnel syndrome 2:25 Work on your neck for carpal tunnel syndrome & why this is so important! 4:12 Work on mobility at the elbow 5:06 Have you tried this tendon glide? 6:38 Time to work on...

HOW: Begin in standing position facing an anchored band or cable. Take the cable and wrap it around your hips as shown holding the handle of the cable with the hand opposite of the working leg..  Assume a single-leg position with the working leg...

HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Let the head and neck flex down. Take a chin tuck position. Raise the head holding the chin...

HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Pushing through the palms, take the hips towards the heels. Keep the shins parallel to the ground. Once...

HOW: Assume a half kneeling position. Elevate the foot of the rear leg onto a couch, chair, or bench. Rock back the hips towards the heel until a stretch is felt. Pause here and push the shin into the bench. Relax and then deepen the...

HOW: Set yourself up by suspending a foam roller between the side of your knee and the wall. Move your outside leg behind you to get into a kickstand position, and shift ~80% of your weight over to your front leg. Hinge your hips ...

HOW: Take a half kneeling position with the rear leg toes pushing into the ground, ball of the foot pushing into the wall. Rotate the torso over the front leg. Staying stacked tall with the torso, begin by pushing down with the front leg and...

HOW: Begin by sitting at a bench, box, or chair. Press the bottom of the shoulder blades into the bench. Lining up the knees at 90 degrees, take the elbow to the opposite knee connecting with a block or ball. Hold this tension and push...
