HOW: Start in a standing position with your feet together. Keep your knees as  straight as you can as you bend over bringing your hands down to the ground. Once your fingertips start to touch the ground, walk your hands forward keeping your back flat...

Time Stamps ⏱ 00:00 Start  01:45 Cat Cow - Thoracic Spine Bias 02:30 Prone Ws - Head Lift  03:36 Supine Chin Tuck  04:18 Supine Chin Tuck - Lift 04:32 Supine Chine Tuck - Rotation  05:17 Nerve Glide  07:15 End Cervical radiculopathy can feel extremely frustrating and many individuals feel confused as to what they...

HOW: Stand facing a wall placing your hands on the wall straight out from your shoulders. Keep one foot back as you step forwards with the other leg, then step outward and cross the other leg inward. Each time reset the foot prior to  taking...

HOW: Shift your weight to one leg as you bend the opposite knee and place the lower leg over the top of the knee on the leg you're standing on. Hinge forward at the hips keeping your back flat and slightly sink down on your...

HOW: Stand by an object or wall to help with your balance. Stand as tall as you can with your feet about shoulder width apart. Raise your toes up keeping your heels on the ground. Lift them up and down for the prescribed amount of...

HOW: Start in a seated position with your legs spread about shoulder width apart (or the width of a mat) and sit up tall and upright. Reach your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. From here, pull your belly button in...

HOW: Stand behind an elevated surface or box. Grab onto a dumbbell in one hand. Place the opposite foot and leg onto the box with your foot flat and knee bent. Stay tall and straight as you push into the ground with the foot on...

HOW: Get set up by lying on your side. Bend the bottom knee. Lift up the opposite leg and while keeping your knee straight draw a circle in a clockwise motion first, then counterclockwise after that. The bigger the circle the harder the exercise is.  FEEL:...

HOW: Have your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Push into the ground with your toes lifting your heels slightly off of the ground in a small hopping motion. Continue this motion quickly as you hop up and down staying on the balls of...
