HOW: Place a tall foam roller straight up on the ground. Place one foot close to the roller and the other foot should be back behind you with your toes pushing into the ground creating the split squat position. From here, bend both knees lowering...

HOW: Place a wedge or some type of object on the ground that you can put your foot on which will elevate your heel. While standing on the object, shift your weight to one leg and maintain your balance. From here, slowly lower yourself down,...

HOW: Place an object on the ground that you can elevate your heels on. Stand near a wall, chair, or have a stick handy to help with your balance. Place both of your heels on the object, shift your weight to one leg. While staying...

HOW: Lay on your side with your head and neck in line with your spine in a neutral position. Perform a chin tuck by pushing your head slightly back while imagining elongating your neck. . From here, rotate your ear to one shoulder and then...

HOW: Lay on your side with your head and neck in line with your spine in a neutral position. Perform a chin tuck by pushing your head slightly back while imagining elongating your neck. From here, rotate your chin to one shoulder and then to...

HOW: Loop a resistance band around the arches of your feet in a standing position. Move your feet out about hip width, slightly bend your knees and perform a mini squat. From here, step out to one side in a lateral motion pushing the band...

HOW: Starting in a standing position, take a moderate length step backwards bending that leg’s knee and using your toes to push into the ground while maintaining an upright trunk. Use the front leg’s quad muscles to push yourself back into a standing position. Alternate...

HOW: Attach a band to an anchor at about hip height. Begin in a half kneeling position with the band being at the side of the knee that is down. Grab onto the band with both hands. Press the band straight out in front of...

HOW: Stand up tall with a weight in both hands. Keep your shoulder blades pulled slightly back, head erect towards the ceiling, and shift your weight forward towards your toes. Take slow, controlled, and quiet steps one at a time. Your heels should never contact...
