12 Apr Box Jump Progressions
Demonstrated is a flow of progressions from double leg to single leg box jumps. Why should you program jump training? Jump training should be an integral part of every strength training and injury prevention program. Jump training focuses on increasing power, which is equal to force...
12 Apr Improving Wrist Extension Mobility For A Better Front Rack Position
ENOUGH WITH ALL THESE BANDED MOBILIZATIONS FOR WRIST EXTENSION! All you need is your other hand! It’s more specific, you get better joint play, and you can find YOUR specific joint restriction. This is part 1 of 3 in our front rack mobility series with...
12 Apr Multi-Directional Lunges For Improving Ankle Strength
Multi-directional lunges are an amazing way to add movement in multiple planes, incorporate sport specific training (i.e. a volleyball dig), and specifically for the ankle, tailor a more specific training regimen for prehab or rehab. Here we are demonstrating a classic multi-directional lunge with some...
12 Apr Deficient Posterior Lunge With Barbell Front Rack
This particular lunge variation has recently become a favorite of mine. It takes two untraditional (for the most part) exercises – a front squat and backward lunge – and combines them into one fantastic movement. Shout out to @movementresilience and @barbellrehab for the inspiration. The...
12 Apr Jumping Scissor Lunges
Looking for a way to mix up your leg day with an absolutely brutal exercise? Want to incorporate explosive movement patterns? Feeling the need for a killer cardiovascular taxing? Well look no further than these WEIGHTED PLYOMETRIC JUMPING LUNGES!! These bad boys are NO JOKE....
12 Apr Seated vs Standing Heel Raises
I know each and everyone of you has seen both a seated AND standing calf machine in the gym. But have you ever thought to yourself, ‘is there any difference between the two?’ Well, right now you’re about to find out! Both machines/positions target the calf...
12 Apr Short Foot Arch Lifts
The posterior tibialis is an extremely important muscle in your calf/foot that plays a huge role in SUPPORTING YOUR FOOT ARCH. The arch of your foot, simply put, is supported by PASSIVE and ACTIVE structures. The main active structure would be your posterior tibialis muscle....
12 Apr How The Foot/Ankle Effects The Hip And Vice-Versa
You know it and hear it all the time, but the body is a KINETIC CHAIN. Movement at one end of the chain affects the other. And more importantly dysfunctions, weaknesses, and asymmetries at one area in the body can have a devastating impact both...
12 Apr Bulletproof Shoulder Prehab Warm Up
Your warmup consists of light cardio work and stretching prior to movement…but don’t forget about priming your nervous system and muscles too! This is one of my favorite shoulder warmups, with inspiration taken from @drjohnrusin and @thebarbellphysio. I’ll break down the 3 parts of the...
12 Apr Multi-Directional Wall Slides With Slider
It's time to revisit the adage proximal stability promotes distal mobility. This should be a prehab prerequisite to any strenuous overhead exercise. Demonstrated here is a dynamic mobility and stability drill for anterior scapulae muscles. What good is all the mobility in the world if...
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