Front Squat Eccentric Isometrics

I’ve recently begun incorporating eccentric isometrics into my program, and they can be an absolutely amazing way to enhance strength, performance, and muscle function. Here’s what you need to know straight from Joel Seedman PhD from @TNation: 1) Eccentric isometrics (EI's) involve performing the negative phase of a lift in a controlled manner and holding the stretched position for a given duration. 2) Each EI should be held between 2-7 seconds. They should be done with all seven basic human movement patterns. 3) These should ideally be done with the eyes closed, as the body can sense movement deviations faster than the eye can relay them to the brain. 4) EI's can eliminate the need for soft tissue work such as stretching, mobility work, foam rollers, and corrective exercises. 5) EI's enhance quality of movement, thereby increasing performance and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. 6) Few, if any, techniques are more effective in increasing strength and hypertrophy than eccentric isometrics. To perform, first choose one of the seven fundamental movement patterns (squat, horizontal pull (row), horizontal push (bench press), hip hinge (RDL), vertical pull (pull up), vertical push (shoulder press), and lunge/stride. Next, all you need to do is perform the eccentric phase of the exercise in a controlled matter and pause at the bottom position for a few seconds before completing the actual concentric phase. To bump it up a bit, TRY PERFORMING WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. This is great for MOTOR LEARNING and KINESTHETIC BODY AWARENESS.
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