14 Apr Supine Leg Whips and Slideboard Lateral Lunges
While much of the focus and attention in the rehab community is on the hip abductors (with good reason), we must not forget about the muscles on the other side of the hip - the hip adductors. Adductor strains are extremely common, and probably are...
14 Apr Cross Over Lateral Step Up
A recent systematic review by Macadam et al in 2015 highlighted the cross over lateral step up exercise. They found that this exercise produced the highest GLUTEUS MAXIMUS EMG activity (103 +/- 63.6%) in their review. Some things to note in this exercise is that...
14 Apr Diaphragmatic Breathing
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that is between the lungs and your Ab’s. As you inhale this muscle will lower, leading to an expansion of the abdomen. As you exhale the diaphragm rises up, which will move your stomach back inward. Whenever you feel...
14 Apr Lizard Walk
Here is shown the Lizard walk. This is truly an exercise working on the entire kinetic chain, with emphasis on improving one’s hip mobility, chest, shoulder, core, and triceps strengthening. . To perform this exercise properly: Begin in a push up position, and bring up your knee to...
14 Apr Proper Step Ups and Downs
Step ups and step downs are both amazing exercises for prehab and rehab purposes alike. But in order to truly MAXIMIZE YOUR GAINS in the gym or clinic, YOU NEED TO PERFORM THEM CORERCTLY!! Yes, stepping up and down off an extremely tall box looks...
14 Apr Quadruped Overhead Shoulder Stability With Swissball
Got a high level athlete in stage 3 rehab? Need to focus on dynamic scapular and shoulder stability for the OVERHEAD ATHLETE? Want to lift heavy things over your head? Well you better have the PROXIMAL STABILITY at your scapulothoracic and shoulder joint to handle...
14 Apr Lumbo-Pelvic Control With Resistance Band
Anatomy lesson: Your lumbar spine is connected to your sacrum (tailbone), which sits between two innominates or 'hip bones' to make up your pelvis; and collectively= lumbo-pelvic region. 'Lumbopelvic dissociation', is an essential movement we perform everyday, whether it's sitting down or standing back up,...
14 Apr Controlled Thoracic Spine Rotation
Episode 479: Hyper extension- controlled Thoracic Spine Mobility [Mobility Advice] . With the excessive rounded thoracic spine, often times rotational mobility is limited. To achieve Thoracic Spine Mobility look at the previous episode! Once this has been achieved the goal is now to be able to control...
14 Apr Quadruped Shoulder Y’s and T’s With Resistance Band
Y’s and T’s are commonly practiced movements, and for good reason! These exercises will help strengthen the peri-scapular muscles including the mid and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, rotator cuff, and deltoid muscles. To maximize the benefit of performing these exercises, try these 2 tips. . 1.Place your...
14 Apr Levator Scapulae Mobilization
If I had the power to re-create the Human Body, do you want to know the ONE MUSCLE I would leave out??? That's right you guessed it - the LEVATOR SCAPULAE! The levator scapulae has got to be the single most annoying and most painful...
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