The post cuff (infraspinatus, teres minor, and posterior capsule) is often the culprit of limited shoulder mobility or shoulder dysfunction. Posterior cuff tightness pushes the head of the humerus anteriorly (forward), which can contribute to myriad shoulder conditions including shoulder impingement, anterior instability, rotator cuff...

There are various ways in which one can self-mobilize their hip joint. Achieving optimal client outcomes can be achieved with self hip-mobilizations (Weight et al. 2012). The goal here is to improve hip capsule and connective tissue mobility. . 1. Assess your current hip flexion mobility by...

Skaters are extremely popular and are generally utilized as a medium-to-high intensity plyometric exercise. The fundamental principle with any plyometric exercise is to minimize the amortization phase (the time your foot is on the ground representing the shift from eccentric to concentric muscle action). However,...

Did you know that Re-injury rates after acute hamstring injures are reported to range from 14% up to 63%, within the same season-2 years after the initial injury. It has been shown through imaging that the majority of the hamstring re-injuries occur in the same...

Here is another great way to improve flexibility of your hamstring by using a contract-relax stretching technique. . 1️⃣Lay facing up (supine) and bring one leg up onto a wall. Make sure your back doesn’t round- if so you can place a towel to keep your lordosis...

Reduction in flexibility of the hamstring has been reported to be associated with occurrence of back pain in adolescents and adults in cross-sectional studies (Salminen 1992, Hultman 1992). Thus, hamstring flexibility is important for general health and fitness (Fasen 2009, Smith 2008). It is important to...

The Pectoralis Major is a large muscle that fans the entire chest region. It can be divided into 2 portions: The sternal (assisting in shoulder extension) and clavicular fibers (assisting in shoulder flexion) Here is a great exercise you can use as an activation drill to...

In late stage rehab, it's important to start working on dynamic movements and prepare athletes to return to sport. Plyometrics and agility drills should be a staple in this phase of rehab. Here's a neat exercise I began using at the end of my sessions...

Here's a neat little exercise I used with a young female gymnast who experienced pain with handstands and back handsprings. While she had a multitude of physical impairments contributing to her condition, her BIGGEST movement fault was her handstand/back handspring elbow and neck position. She...
