Evidence has shown that poor muscle function (i.e. strength and control) of the deep cervical flexor muscles are shown to cause neck pain. It is shown that higher muscle activity of the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene will reduce activation of the deep cervical flexors. (Jull,...

This exercise is one of my Favorites for improving hip stability! The Glute Medius wall lean will mimic the single leg stance required for functional movements such as walking, ambulating on stairs, or running. When the Gluteus Medius is weak it can lead to injuries...

Power lies in the transverse plane! Here is an exercise and 2 progressions to address strength in the transverse plane: . 1: In a hook lying position, with your feet supported on the floor, drop your knees down to one side in a slow and controlled manner....

Here is the last exercise of this Developmental Kinesiology Series. Just like the rest of the exercises, this exercise can be used as an assessment or as an intervention to identify and address impairments within the kinetic chain. This exercise is all encompassing and will address...

We highlighted the Bulgarian split squat back in Episode 406 as a great alternative for the traditional barbell back squat‍, as it elicits similar muscle EMG activity. We got a good question from one of our followers about ankle pain during the exercise. This is...

Do you do the standing side crunch or dumbbell side bend? Why? Do you like staring at yourself in the mirror while lifting a 45lb pound plate? I know I was guilty in my college days (insert emoji). But now I am smarter, and SO...

The bear crawl corresponds to a 14-month-old child. Typically this is manifested with 3 points of contact with the floor. However, in this video the bear crawl is progressed to 2 points of contact. The bear crawl is an excellent exercise to challenge dynamic core stability....

This exercise is hands down one of the BEST GLUTE BURNERS you will ever feel (if it's done right)!! Just like the glute med wall lean, this exercise is an ISOMETRIC HOLD. I have found (similar to Dr. Powers' Hip Progressions) that isometrics are CLUTCH...

Rotator Cuff strengthening and Rotational Oblique Sit Once you achieve low oblique sitting, there are a few variations you can add: The first variation targets both shoulders: one in closed chain contacting the floor, the other in open chain pulling against the resistance band. You may add...

Oblique sitting corresponds to children who are 7.5 months of age, when the shoulder girdle is strong enough to support this position. Low oblique sitting is when the ipsilateral elbow is on the floor. In this clip my palm is touching the floor with an...
