HOW: Find a seated position in the leg press machine. Stabilize the upper body and core by grasping the handles to the side. Bring the legs up to the plate of the leg press. Stagger one foot up the plate and the other lower down...

HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally, you want to start with as much knee straightening as possible.  Toes are facing up toward the ceiling. Use the arms to stabilize the upper body and core. Remove...

HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the kneecap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles in...

HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the kneecap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles in...

HOW: Get into  a seated position in the knee extension machine. Place the pad just above your ankle joint. Make sure that the ankle is below the knee. Keep the other leg back, off the padding. Anchor and stabilize your upper body and core...

HOW: Find a seated position in the leg press machine. Stabilize the upper body and core by grasping the handles to the side. Bring the leg up to the plate of the leg press. Keep the opposite leg down and stable. Keeping pressure through the...

HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally you want to start with as much  knee straightening as possible. Place one foot on the plate so that only the base of your foot is on the...

HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally you wanna start with as much  knee straightening as possible. Place both feet on the plate so that only the base of your foot is on the plate,...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:45 Why we love kettlebells 1:09 How kettlebells help us reach our fitness goals 2:00 So much variety, and we mean it! 2:24 How to use a kettlebell for power 3:10 Using a kettlebell for muscle hypertrophy 3:30 But did you think about grip strength? 4:15 Use a kettlebell for...

HOW: For this exercise get set up in a sidelying position with your top foot resting on the box and your elbow resting comfortably under your shoulder. Once in the copenhagen plank position, reach back with your bottom foot and reach forward with your...
