This exercise challenges both your global and local lumbar stabilizers. The deep stabilizers like the multifidus contribute to stability by counteracting shear forces and preventing intervertebral motion. The multifidus supports the vertebral column through compressive forces while the transversus abdominis stabilizes it by increasing intra-abdominal...

Coordination and utilization of the proper musculature surrounding the shoulder complex are necessary to prevent injury to structures like the rotator cuff, biceps tendon, and labrum. When a climber rests in a "dead hang" position the scapula elevates and abducts while the glenohumeral joint is...

The BOSU trainer is a fantastic piece of equipment that can be used for prehab, rehab, and strength and conditioning purpose alike. There are TWO SIDES of the BOSU that should be used for separate purposes...

Climbing requires us to get in some weird positions sometimes. Being able to stabilize our trunk and shoulder in various positions like 1/2 kneeling, tall kneeling, and single leg kneeling can help you prepare for any demanding beta. Maintaining good alignment throughout the entire movement...

The rower is one of my favorite machines and honestly one of the only machines that I actually like in a standard gym. It’s a fantastic way to tax your cardiovascular system AND get a great muscle pump as well. But while it is a...

I’ve recently begun incorporating eccentric isometrics into my program, and they can be an absolutely amazing way to enhance strength, performance, and muscle function. Here’s what you need to know straight from Joel Seedman PhD from @TNation: 1) Eccentric isometrics (EI's) involve performing the negative phase...

Demonstrated is a flow of progressions from double leg to single leg box jumps. Why should you program jump training? Jump training should be an integral part of every strength training and injury prevention program. Jump training focuses on increasing power, which is equal to force...
