Rolled your ankle?! Ankle sprains are the most common injury in sports and physical activity, estimating to be about 25% of all injuries across sports. Of all ankle injuries 85% involve the lateral ankle ligaments. There is strong evidence suggesting there is an increase risk of...

The traditional Med Ball Toss against the ground and/or wall is a great exercise for power development. However, when performed alone without a catch, it tends to be a concentric focused movement. As important as it is to be able to generate power in the...

The Pallof Press is an excellent anti-rotation exercise that should be a staple of every core program designed. The traditional pallof press has been well documented in research to support it's ability along with other isometric trunk exercises to enhance core stiffness (1). This modified partner...

Planks are a traditional starting point when it comes to core workouts. However, with the amount of plank variations seen in the fitness industry, one may find it difficult to choose the best plank variation for them. It comes down to purpose, what do you...

The bear crawl is an excellent exercise to challenge dynamic core stability. The bear crawl is also a great exercise because it helps with body awareness. Proprioception (knowing where your joints are in space) is considered another sense of the body, just like smell and...

"Power lives in the transverse plane" is a famous line by many popular movement-based professionals for a good reason. Most sports, if not every sport requires force generation AND movement control in the transverse plan. For simpler terms, owning rotational movement is key to performance...

The deadlift is a common and popular exercise to strengthen the lower body and posterior chain. The typical straight barbell deadlift primarily targets the hips and erector spinae, specifically in the lumbar spine region. This is because the bar is in front of the legs...

This video goes out to the people looking to finish their arm workout with a killer pump. I love hypertrophy exercises to finish my workout that incorporate a core workout as well. The TRX and other suspension trains can do just that. This a full arm...

This is one of my favorite adductor and hamstring stretches. Dynamic stretching is my favorite way to warm up. You can do it fast, you can incorporate movements you plan to perform, and you can prime your muscles + nervous system for exercise. Dynamic stretching...

Doesn't this movement look familiar, perhaps similar to the side bridge? Unfortunately some people cannot perform a side bridge on the ground because it hurts their shoulders too much. No problem! Here's your alternative. Side bridges are LEGIT because it's an exercise that demands stability of...
