HOW: Find a doorway and place the wedge the front part of your shoulder against the doorway. Slowly step forward and away from the wall.   FEEL: You should feel a deep stretch in the front of your shoulder only.   COMPENSATION: If you feel any...

HOW: Start in a tall plank position. Then, push the ground away from you forwards/upwards which will cause your hips to rise up in the air. For those familiar with yoga, it is like a down dog position. The key is that your shoulders...

HOW: Grab a band and put tension on the band by pushing your hands apart. Keep that tension that entire time. Now go to a wall and slowly walk one hand up the wall at a time. Then go down. Repeat.   FEEL: You should...

HOW: Stand with your back against a wall and form a wall angel. Your goal should be to try to keep your elbows and hands against the wall the entire time. If you are not able to, that is completely normal and it means...

HOW: Grab a band and place it behind your shoulder. Grip each bend of the band in your firsts. Next, go to a wall and start with your entire forearms against the wall. Push into the wall with the pink side of your hands...

HOW: Follow along with the detailed video tutorial for all movement cues!   FEEL: You should feel nice and warm after completing this, ready to tackle the program or workout!   COMPENSATION: None. ...

HOW: Start in a bear position with your knees a half inch off the ground. In this position, your shoulders should be engaged and driving into the ground. Bring one knee under your body and through to the other side. Drive both heels into...

HOW: Start in the bear crawl position on your hands and feet, with your knees about a half inch off the ground. In this position, your shoulders should be engaged and driving into the ground. Slowly crawl forward by moving on hand and the...

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