Using a step or box is an easy way to increase the range of motion of an exercise. Increasing the range of motion of an exercise will increase the hypertrophic response. . One of my pet peeves with seeing people use deficient exercises like the deficient lunge...

Lunge Directions [keep it simple]   ✅ I love lunges and the split stance position as a whole. Not only is it a good bridge between double leg to single leg exercises, but you can target a lot of different muscles for activation or stretching based on the...

“ACL Reconstruction Surgery With @drnimamehran” . 📝 Anterior cruciate ligament connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) and crosses in front of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). It prevents the majority of anterior tibial translation (the tibia shifting forward relative to the femur). It...

Biologics - The Future of Medicine? Via @chicagosportsdoc   💥Orthopedic conditions, whether caused by injury or degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis and tendonitis, often linger and can be challenging to fully eradicate. To improve the healing process and alleviate pain, there’s a relatively new tool in the...

FULL article here:   😩 Chronic groin pain can literally be a pain in the butt. The groin area is home to a multitude of different muscles, tendons, ligaments, and most importantly your private areas! Therefore, many times it’s hard to pinpoint the exact area of pain...

Full Article Here:   🏋️‍♂️ Now it’s time to get brutally strong. Not just your adductors and hip flexors, but your entire leg which includes the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and lower abdominals (in no particular order). You can get as creative as you want here, but some...

Knee Gains 💪🏻 Using a Theraband? [home knee extension set up] . 🏋️‍♂️ Knee extensions (or long arc quads) are hands down my favorite exercise for ANY knee patient. It is the single best way to isolate the quads and will find it's way into my programming at some point during...

🎥Shown in this series of videos are a bunch of different ways to mobilize your ankle and improve your range of motion! The ankle is one of the hardest joints to gain/regain mobility in, IMO largely due to the fact that people don’t USE their...

Staggered stance exercises can be a great way to bias one leg. . In rehab, staggered stances are often can be used to take load off certain tissues. Or conversely, it can be used to add load to tissue. All depends on the goal. . From a performance mindset,...

Gait training is an often overlooked aspect of early post operative rehab. I’m guilty as charged and early on I breezed through gait training and went straight after what I believed to be were bigger impairments like increasing range of motion or more “functional” exercises like squats...
