29 Apr Pitcher’s Landmine Deceleration Drill
Here's one of my favorite drills for late stage rehab for overhead athletes. The landmine is great as it provides a fixed axis and the ability to add weight if needed. In the follow through, the posterior shoulder is EXTREMELY active when eccentrically controlling the...
29 Apr Lunges – How to Load the Hip vs Knee
There are three primary things to consider when looking to bias either the GLUTES or the QUADS in the lunge. . 1️⃣Tibia Angle A tibia that is forward = more forward knee migration. This translates to a greater degree of knee flexion and thus a...
29 Apr Tennis Elbow Rehab Plan
Lateral epicondyle tendinopathy, better known as "Tennis Elbow", is a condition that affects 1-3% of the general population and can be an absolute nuisance �♂️ that doesn't just interfere with your backhand, but also shaking hands, grabbing dishes, typing, and writing. The pain typically is...
29 Apr Hip Distraction With Monsterband
Got a tight hips? Give THIS hip joint distraction a try! . First, use a thicker monster band (thicker than the one used for the ankle distraction we posted a few weeks ago). For this set up, ideally try and wrap the band ABOVE THE...
29 Apr Knee Valgus is Not Always Bad
Whether or not you agree with me on this post is okay - you're entitled to your own opinion. But the notion that knee valgus is always bad MUST be put to rest and here's why! . Yes, knee valgus is one of the more...
29 Apr Externally Rotate To Maximize Your Band Work
We teamed up @crossoversymmetry to bring you a little PSA on how to get the most bang for your buck out of your banded shoulder work! Typically when incorporating any horizontal abduction (rowing) movements for shoulder health, the goal is to target the trapezius muscles...
29 Apr Knee Vs Ankle Vs Foot Band Placement For Side Steps
Various studies have looked at the efficacy of the side step exercise and its many variations such as the monster walk in terms of gluteal activation. All of these exercises have found relatively high gluteal action, making them a staple in many corrective exercise programs....
29 Apr Balance Training Can Improve Cutting
There's been a lot of flak given to unstable surface training on objects like the TeraCore by @vicorefitness lately within the rehabilitation community that we think is quite unfair. Balance training on stable and unstable surfaces alike CAN and SHOULD be implemented into your athlete's...
29 Apr Achilles Tendinopathy Sample Treatment Program
Achilles tendinosis, different than Achilles tendonitis, is actually a degenerative condition in which the tendon shows NO SIGNS of inflammation and swelling. It's believed that tendinosis results as a failure of the tendon to respond to repetitive trauma overtime in which there is an imbalance...
29 Apr Short Arc Quad Sets (SAQ)
This exercise (quad set) is paramount to getting re-gaining active control your quadriceps muscles, which is the muscle on the front of your thigh. After an injury (which includes surgery), there is lots of swelling in the knee that accumulates. This swelling leads to a...
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