HOW: In a seated position place your back up against the wall. While keeping your core engaged raise your leg off the floor as high as you can. Hold for as long as prescribed then return back to the floor.   FEEL: You will feel...

HOW: Begin laying face up on the floor. Roll back and forth, until you have enough momentum for you to deep squat. Make sure that you are balanced prior to dropping back onto your back. You can use momentum with your arms to help...

HOW: Begin laying face up on the floor. Roll back and forth, until you have enough momentum for you to deep squat. Make sure that you are balanced prior to dropping back onto your back. You can use momentum with your arms to help...

HOW: Lay down on an elevated surface like a bench, a couch, or a bed. Bring one leg off and march that leg up as far as you feel comfortable. The lower the surface the more aggressive the stretch will be. Reach back for...

HOW: Lay down on an elevated surface like a bench, a couch, or a bed. Bring one leg off and march that leg up as far as you feel comfortable. The lower the surface the more aggressive the stretch will be.   FEEL: You will...

HOW: Place one leg up and across on an elevated surface. Your shin should be perpendicular to your body. Slowly sink down with your chest until you feel a pull in the back of the hip. FEEL: You will feel a deep stretch in...

HOW: Begin seated with one knee stretched out in front of you. Place your hands over your knee and push your knee straight. Your pressure should be directed down and back towards the floor.   FEEL: You will feel this stretch on the back of...

HOW: Begin in a squat position with a resistance band placed slightly above your knees. First begin with standing clams by driving your knees out to the side in a squat position, make sure to avoid the inside of the foot from rolling out....

HOW: While in a deep squat position hold onto a stable surface. Slowly lean towards one side while driving your body and your knee forward. Repeat on the other side.   FEEL: The more you drive your body forward the more you will bias a...

HOW: Squat down as far as you can while attempting to keep the heels down towards the floor. Then place your arms inside of your legs. From this position drive your knee out as far as you can while allowing the foot to stay...
