HOW: Lay on your side and follow the video for tips and instructions. Decide whether you want to stretch the top leg or bottom leg, discover which one feels better for you.   FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the front of your thigh...

HOW: Use a landmine from the offset position, meaning the landmine will be to the side of you. Holding the barbell with the arm closest to the landmine, step back with the foot closest to the landmine into a reverse lunge. Push yourself back...

HOW: Get cables anchored at about shoulder height. Criss-cross the handles, straighten your arms, and with your palms facing forward squeeze your shoulder blades back and bring your hands up and out to the sides to form the letter 'Y' with your body and...

HOW: Get cables anchored at about shoulder height. Criss-cross the handles, straighten your arms, and with your palms facing forward squeeze your shoulder blades back and bring your hands out to the sides to form the letter 'T' with your body and your arms....

HOW: Get cables anchored at about shoulder height. Criss-cross the handles, straighten your arms, and with your palms facing forward squeeze your shoulder blades back and bring your hands towards your pockets. Slowly return to starting position and repeat   FEEL: You should feel the...

HOW: Get set-up sitting with your knees bent, feet supported, and a band around your feet. The closer the band is towards your toes, the harder it will be. Perform concentric and eccentric eversion by pointing your feet out and in, think of a...

HOW: Get set-up in a half kneeling position, the side you want to stretch should be the side with the knee down. To begin the stretch, perform a posterior pelvic tilt to flatten your lower back, this will help with the hip flexor stretch....

HOW: Get set-up seated with the handle of a kettlebell around the top of your foot. Get it as high as you can on your foot, not just on your toes. Have your heel supported on an elevated position to go through your full...
