HOW: This exercises combines the reverse and front lunge. As you Reverse Lunge you will lower the kettlebell towards the floor. As you get toward the bottom of your reverse lunge load into the front leg to EXPLODE up into a front lunge. This...

HOW: This is a great way to bias each extremity when performing a kettlebell swing. As you swing the kettlebell up, elevate one leg. As you swing the bell up, focus on creating power with your hips, your hips driving forward should be the...

HOW: This exercise requires a lot of control! Notice how the kettlebell is inverted here, this allows me to hug the bell closer to my center of mass. Feel free to drive up with the opposite limb, this will help maximize vertical displacement. The...

HOW: Lie on your back and put both of your feet on the swissball. Bend your knees and perform a bridge by digging your heels into the swissball to lift your hips up. You can use your arms are your side to stabilize your...

HOW: Use a landmine from the offset position, meaning the landmine will be to the side of you. Holding the barbell with the arm closest to the landmine, lift the foot closest to the landmine to perform a single leg RDL. Hinge at your...

HOW: Place a very light superband over the barbell. Use both of your feet to keep the band on the ground. Keeping your core engaged and using just one arm, slowly push the barbell above you. The higher you lift you arm, the more...

HOW: Grab the barbell with both hands at chest level. First descend into a reverse lunge. The goal of this exercise is to explosively come back to the starting position while pressing the barbell as fast as you can above you. Using primarily your...

HOW: Get a cable set-up anchored between shoulder and waist height. Perform a single arm row by driving your elbow towards your back pocket and letting your elbow bend. However, the entire time you perform this row, keep your shoulder blade squeezed back as...

HOW: Grab the barbell with both hands at chest level. First descend into a reverse lunge. The goal of this exercise is to explosively come back to the starting position while pressing the barbell as fast as you can above you. Using only your...
