HOW: Lie on your side with the shoulder you want to stretch closest to the ground. You can put a pillow under your head for neck support if you want but it is not necessary. Bring your elbow to your side up to shoulder...

HOW: This is a combination of six different exercises meant to serve as your ultimate bulletproof warm up before getting into your program today or any other upper body workouts. Follow the video to learn more about the 6 exercises: Standing A’s. Standing T’s....

HOW: Start in the half kneeling position with the leg closest to the wall/anchor up. Grab the band with your close arm palm down, and your far arm palm up. Keeping your core and hips engaged and strong the whole time, slowly lift the...

HOW: Start in the split stance position with the leg closest to the wall/anchor in front of you. Your back heel should be up. Grab the band with your close arm palm down, and your far arm palm up. Keeping your core and hips...

HOW: Start in the half kneeling position with the leg closest to the wall/anchor up. Grab the band with your close arm palm down, and your far arm palm up. Keeping your core and hips engaged and strong the whole time, slowly lift the...

HOW: Start by facing the wall/anchor and grab two separate bands, cross the bands in front of you and pull them towards your hips. Keep tension in the bands the whole time by drawing your shoulder blades and hands back. Slowly raise your arms...

HOW: Lay down on the ground with a towel roll under the forehead. Or, lie on the corner of an elevated surface like your bed. Put your hands out in front of you in the shape of a “Y”. With your thumbs up, slowly...

HOW: Start in the half kneeling position with the leg closest to the wall/anchor up. Grab the band with your close arm palm down, and your far arm palm up. Keeping your core and hips engaged and strong the whole time, slowly push your...

HOW: Bend over on the ground and place your arm on a foam roller, thumb up. Ramp up intensity and push the pinky side of your hand into the foam roller. Keeping that engagement, slowly drive the foam roller forward. When you reach up...
