HOW: Position yourself standing in a corner with your back to it, or with a wall, chair, or sturdy object near you. Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. While maintaining your balance, turn your head...

HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Push back into a child’s pose, round your back within your tolerance. Focus on bringing your butt as far back as possible, ideally, your butt will touch your heels while dropping your chest towards the floor. Keep...

HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Push back into a child’s pose, round your back within your tolerance. Focus on bringing your butt as far back as possible, ideally, your butt will touch your heels. From this position reach your arms over to...

HOW: Get set up standing with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by performing a hip hinge followed by standing tall and reaching out and back behind you with the other arm to stretch your pecs. Repeat   ...

HOW: Get set up on your stomach with your hands just outside your shoulders. Begin the exercise by pushing your hands into the ground then lifting your upper body and chest off the ground by extending your arms. Pull your body through and lift...

HOW: For this exercise secure a resistance band at the tip of your thumb. Stabilize the opposite end with your other hand, then take your thumb across your hand as if you’re making a number 4. Pull your thumb down towards your wrist then...
