Warming up before playing sports is absolutely vital, not just from a performance standpoint but also from an injury prevention and [P]Rehab perspective. When it comes to YOUTH ATHLETES, the key is KEEPING THEM ATTENTIVE AND ENGAGED through the "boring fundamentals". This is why I...

The firehydrant is one of my all time favorites for gluteal activation. The glute max is a TRI-PLANAR muscle, meaning it performs 1️⃣EXTENSION, 2️⃣ABDUCTION, and 3️⃣EXTERNAL ROTATION. So to maximally hit the glutueus maximus, we need to ensure we are performing working in all 3...

Quadratus Lumborum aka the QL originates on the posterior iliac crest and inserts on the medial half of the 12th rib & transverse process of the lumbar spine. It’s action = laterally flex and extend the lumbar spine as well as assisting with inspiration (particularly...

The plank and all of it’s variations are the BEST AND SAFEST ways to build core and torso rigidity. Especially when it comes to patients in pain, the ability to stay in lumbar spine neutral with load is a fantastic way to build tissue resiliency....

Shoulder Activation [Scapula Stability Enhancement] . Try out this Body on Arm exercise to strengthen the shoulder in all 3 cardinal planes of motion! . To perform this exercise: 1️⃣Begin in a push-up position, stay STRONG in the shoulder blade by pushing the floor away from you. 2️⃣Rotate your body while...

Ever done this stretch and just can't feel it? Or have a friend or client who just doesn't seem to get it? It’s the infamous hip flexor stretch that EVERYONE gets wrong. Follow this bulletproof guide to actually stretch your hip flexors and tag that...

The sideplank is one of Stewart McGill's Big 3 exercises, along with the modified curl up and the bird dog. The sideplank roll to plank to opposite sideplank is one of the McGill's most advanced progressions of the sideblank, and MAN IS IT HARD. I...

The goblet squat is without a doubt one of the best squat corrective exercises out there. The forward weight provides a counterbalance, allowing the athlete to sit back into the squat. Instruct the athlete to slowly lower down into the bottom of a squat and...

Need to improve your squat control? Need a drill to fix the immature squat? The use of bands to provide tactile cues can rapidly change an athlete’s squat. For an athlete with valgus collapse problems (knees caving in) place the band around his knees and...

This stretch is for all the desk jockeys. The thoracic spine is often stable and generally on the stiffer side, limiting mobility. This limited mobility can manifest in compensations up or down the chain, which is why people often have neck and low back pain! . Your...
