14 Apr Cervical Radiculopathy Sample Exercise Program
Last but not least, therapeutic exercises with the intent of downregulating the nervous system, decreasing inflammation, opening the intervertebral foramen, and postural re-education are effective in the management of cervical radiculopathy. From a mobility standpoint, start first with neural mobilization. The rationale behind neural mobilizations...
14 Apr Best Cervical Radiculopathy Management is to Avoid Positions That Hurt
Ok, so now that you've determined there's a high probably you may have cervical radiculopathy, what do you do about it? Lucky for your, there's a host of treatment options available. And by far the BEST TREATMENT is to AVOID THOSE THINGS THAT PISS IT...
14 Apr Wainner Cluster for Cervical Radiculopathy
Now, before determining how to treat your pain, you must first determine beyond a reasonable doubt that you do in fact have cervical radiculopathy! Lucky for you, there are a battery of tests you can do now at home to help you recognize the signs...
14 Apr Side Steps Done Correctly
Episode 392: "You've been doing your Side Steps Wrong!" Various studies have looked at the side step exercise and its many variations such as the monster walk. All of these exercises have found relatively high gluteal action, making them a staple in many corrective exercise programs....
14 Apr Soccer Core Stability
The first exercise in this video is shielding the soccer ball. It is important to instruct the player to get low, keep a wide base of support, and to keep the core engaged in order to maintain balance. Also, the player on the ball should...
14 Apr Soccer Specific Plyometrics Drills
The first exercise shows a double leg forward hop, a lateral hop taking off from both legs but landing on the outside leg, and then a SL forward hop to receive the ball. In soccer, being able to control the body during a lateral movement...
14 Apr Soccer Specific Strengthening
In this video I demonstrate strengthening exercises that can be implemented as part of a comprehensive program to help reduce risk of injury. The first exercise is the Nordic Hamstring Curl, which is an eccentric hamstring exercise that has been shown to help reduce the risk...
14 Apr Soccer Single Leg Stability
In this video, I demonstrate a few single leg (SL) stability exercises utilizing a soccer ball and employing some common soccer techniques. The first exercise is a simple volleying drill. We challenge the SL stability more by not allowing the player to place his or her...
14 Apr DNS 90/90 Roll
Here's a FANTASTIC exercise to work on the INTEGRATED CORE STABILIZATION SYSTEM [ICSS]. This exercise gets it’s origins from Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization [DNS] . How to Perform: - Quality over Quantity. Go slow. Do it right - Try to roll as a COMPLETE UNIT. Your arms, legs, head -...
14 Apr Nordic Hamstring Curl Regression Using The Lat Pull Down Machine
Don't have a gym partner to hold your ankles down? We'll you're in luck. Head on over the lat pull down machine and give yourself a couple pounds of assistance! . Why do this exercise? #Hamstring #PREHAB! . The best evidence supporting decreased hamstring re-injury is the incorporation of...
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