HOW: Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent up and feet flat. Flatten your back by contracting your core and performing a pelvic tilt. From here, lift your legs up with your knees bent and arms straight up pointing both to...

HOW: Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent up and feet flat. Flatten your back by contracting your core and performing a pelvic tilt. From here, lift your legs and arms straight up pointing both the sky. Then reach one arm...

HOW: Position yourself in a tall kneeling position with your back straight and your core and glutes engaged. Grab onto a band with both hands that is anchored up high. The band should be up at your side. Pull it down across your body...

HOW: Stand in between two sturdy objects like boxes, benches, or chairs. Something that is sturdy and won’t flip as you put your weight down into them. Place a hand on each object and with your arms straight, push down into them lifting your...

HOW: Stand in between two sturdy objects like boxes, benches, or chairs. Something that is sturdy and won’t flip as you put your weight down into them. Place a hand on each object and with your arms straight, push down into them lifting your...

HOW: Stand in between two sturdy objects like boxes, benches, or chairs. Something that is sturdy and won’t flip as you put your weight down into them. Place a hand on each object and with your arms straight, push down into them lifting your...

HOW: Stand in between two sturdy objects like boxes, benches, or chairs. Something that is sturdy and won’t flip as you put your weight down into them. Place a hand on each object and with your arms straight, push down into them lifting your...

HOW: Begin in a kneeling position. Grab onto an ab wheel and start to roll towards one side with your elbows almost locked out. Return to the starting position and repeat going straight forward, and then to the other side. Try to think of...

The Hollow Hold Endurance Assessment is a reliable tool to look at core endurance. Lying on your back, place both of your arms straight up overhead. Contract your core to flatten your back, then lift both feet up off of the ground about 6 inches....

HOW: Position yourself in a tall kneeling position with your back straight and your core and glutes engaged. Grab onto a band with both hands that is anchored low, almost at the ground level. The band should be at your side. Pull it up...
