3 Levels Of Glute Strengthening (External Rotation) . If neuromuscular control is NOT the culprit of one’s hip micro-instability (too much mobility), I would bet my lunch money that it IS due to hip WEAKNESS. Here are 3 great ways to isolate strengthening of the hip stabilizing...

Deceleration training should be a staple for any athlete in the rehab setting looking to eventually return to sport. Whether it's after an ACL surgery (READ: ACL Prehab, Rehab, and Graft Options) or simply after a bout of patellar tendinopathy (jumper's knee), learning to properly...

3 Levels Of Scapula Strengthening Here are three levels of shoulder strengthening exercises that are sure to challenge your shoulders! During these movements, really emphasize protraction at the scapula by making sure to get that extra push at the end of your push-up. Closed-chain exercises like...

Hamstring strains are one of the most frequently occurring injuries in sport. They can be challenging and frustrating to treat because of the high recurrence rate. Hamstring strains account for 12–16% of all injuries in athletes with a re-injury rate reported as high as 22–34%....

Prehab yourself from shoulder dislocations - Anterior Shoulder Stability . What’s the Strongest of the 4 Rotator cuff muscles (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis)? . It’s the Subscapularis! (According to Keating JF. Et al.) This is primarily based on the Physiological cross-sectional area (PSCA) and the lever arm....

Over the next 3 days we're going to cover deceleration progressions in all 3 cardinal planes. When beginning the transition to plyometrics, I always want to make sure my athletes can first control regressed movements, positions of instability, and deceleration in all three planes in...

Seated Thoracic Spine Mobility Drills . Some say “Sitting is the new smoking.” This statement may be aggressive and on the extreme end. The truth is your body will adapt to what you put it through, if you sit for 40 hours per week, you will become...

Have you ever wondered what the difference between doing your donkey kicks with the knee bent vs straight is? Well, you're not alone! . The goal of an exercise like this is to target the HIP EXTENSORS, specifically the gluteal and hamstring muscles. Both muscles cross the...

Shoulder Stability Through Shoulder Elevation . Here are two great ways to strengthen the shoulder girdle throughout a range of shoulder flexion! Movement 1: ✅ For this exercise step out until you find a good resistance for yourself. Then begin to slowly elevate your arm focusing on engaging the...

A tight posterior cuff is associated with a handful of shoulder dysfunctions like subacrominal impingement syndrome, posterior impingement, anterior instability, etc. And thus, ⬇ tone/increasing extensibility of the posterior cuff is part of the treatment protocol for many with shoulder pain. The cross-body stretch is...
