If you have played ice hockey or soccer before you are probably familiar with tweaking your groin. A groin strain is an injury to the muscle tendon unit of the adductor tendon or its insertion to the pubic bone. The reason groin strains are so...

Here is a great way to stretch that posterior shoulder cuff/capsule that often gets tight, particularly in the dominant arm of overhead athletes. This tightness leads to limitations in shoulder internal rotation and horizontal adduction. . With cross body stretching, people will often allow the shoulder to...

The Wall Angel is a commonly performed exercise in both rehab and Prehab and for good reason. It is a great bang for your buck exercise that addresses numerous body regions with core engagement, thoracic spine extension, scapular muscle activation, shoulder mobility, and deep neck...

Bridging Progressions Got BACK PAIN? - Master the basics first . The bridge is a FUNDAMENTAL phase I rehab exercise for countless reasons: ➡Introducing someone in pain to general movement. ➡Learning to activate and use the glutes as a primary mover over the hamstrings, adductors, or erector spinae muscles ➡Introducing the...

We have broke down a study conducted in 2017 by Andersson et al. which examined the effects of shoulder injury prevention program implemented 3x/week during a 7-month handball season. The study was a prospective cluster randomized control trial that included participation of 45 teams equating...

Reduce Risk of Shoulder Pain for Overhead Athlete’s! Phase 2 of 3 . We have collaborated with @tennisprehablab breaking down a study conducted in 2017 by Andersson et al. which examined the effects of shoulder injury prevention program implemented 3x/week during a 7-month handball season. The study was...

Shoulder Injury Prevention Program for Overhead/Throwing Athletes Phase 1 of 3 We have collaborated with @tennisprehablab breaking down a study conducted in 2017 by Andersson et al. which examined the effects of shoulder injury prevention program implemented 3x/week during a 7-month handball season. The study was a...

Furthermore, for those sports that rely more heavily on one plane of motion than others [think all your rotational sports like tennis, baseball, etc.], it's important to focus even MORE time on the transverse plane. And for those sports that are trained primarily in one...

QUESTION: “Why is it important to keep a stable scapula?” . Think of it like this. If you were required to walk on a bunch of bosu balls to get to the opposite side of the room, wouldn’t you think it would require more overall demand in...

Closed Chain Hip Strengthening + Progression . The modified side plank or side bridge has one of the highest gluteus medius muscle activations of any bodyweight closed chain exercise and should be a STAPLE in your [P]REHAB routine. As with any exercise, periodization achieved through micro changes...
