The peroneals are commonly found to be weak after an inversion ankle sprain. So you're wondering, what's some of the best (P)Rehab for an ankle sprain?? Peroneal strengthening!!
The classic side steps, with a band around the knees, is great for #glutemed activation. However, by changing the resistance band location to the forefoot (ie the balls of the foot), we can add a little PERONEUS LONGUS and BREVIS activation as well. The band will provide an external force on the forefoot into adduction, which you'll have to counteract with an abduction force. Furthermore, by landing with the ankle in a plantarflexed and everted position, you must ECCENTRICALLY CONTROL movement into an inverted position using the peroneus longus. This eccentric peroneus longus control is EXACTLY what the muscle must do to prevent an inversion ankle sprain.
Furthermore, with the band around the forefoot we have increased the lever arm for the glutes, so I can bet were getting more glute activation as well! Change up the classic side steps and consider placing the theraband around the forefoot for increased glute and peroneus activation.
Citation: Wilkerson 1997 “Invertor vs. evertor peak torque and power deficiencies associated with lateral ankle ligament injury”
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