Mid-Back Knot? Self mobilization to help you! . Ever feel tightness in your mid-back region, specifically between your shoulder blades? Often times the culprit of this is the "rhomboid" muscles (major and minor). The Rhomboids originate on the spinous process of C7-T5 vertebrates and insert onto the medial border...

Improving Hip Internal Rotation Limitations in hip flexion and internal rotation range of motion have been implicated as characteristics of hip pathology (Burnett 2014, Clohisy 2009, Sutlive 2008). Any activities that require squatting, pivoting, planting and cutting, and/or rotating your body will require hip flexion and...

Tight Neck? Neck Mobilizations . Disclaimer: These mobilizations are meant to be VERY gentle, there are neuro-vascular structures that run in this area. These mobilizations are NOT meant to cause numbness or tingling down the arm. You have been warned! . There are 4 mobilizations broken down in this...

Improve your Active Hip Flexion [When was the last time you strengthened your hip flexors?] Hip flexor strength is extremely important yet it is often overlooked. All too often the hip flexors are blamed for being too tight. BUT have you considered the consequences of the...

Why you Should NOT Foam Roll the IT Band!!! . Have you ever foam rolled your IT Band? You are probable not alone. Foam rolling is designed to relax contractile tissue like your muscles. The IT Band, or iliotibial band, is a thick Fascia/Connective tissue (NOT A...

Want to improve your upper body power? Chest day stuck in a rut? Haven't hit a new PR in a while? Well, it might be time to change up your pushs-ups and add a little power component - a la the PLYOMETRIC PUSH UP. Begin...

Your scapula aka your shoulder blade is often very difficult for people to find. If you don’t initiate movements like rows or pull-ups from the scapula = you will “arm” the movement. Meaning you will rely heavily on shoulder and arm muscles. Your scapula is...

A posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury are less common than ACL injuries because the PCL is much broader and much stronger. This tear is most common with sports such as skiing, soccer, and football. The most frequent mechanism of PCL injury is a direct blow to...

This stretch is designed to specifically target the Latissimus Dorsi. The Lat’s limited flexibility is often the culprit of excessive lumbar extension with overhead movement. This lumbar extension can be noticed with a rib flare & can cause Lower Back pain. Additionally, tight Lat’s often...

Have you seen someone walking with their feet sticking out like a duck? This is likely because their hip is rotated externally or outward. Being able to rotate your hips internally= great for hip health particularly for rotational athletes and those who perform a lot...
