What is my favorite muscle of the shoulder❓ Serratus Anterior� Which is also known as the “Big Swing Muscle” or “Boxer’s muscle” due to it’s effectiveness of protracting the scapula. Not only does this muscle have a cool name, it is needed for a plethora of arm...

1️⃣ Sling Matrix ✅This exercise will allow you to get the scapula (shoulder blade) moving into all 3 planes of movement. . 2️⃣ Neck Circles ✅The muscles of the Neck such as the Upper Trapezius and Levator scapulae also attach onto the scapula. Therefore, keeping these muscles flexible is...

While the MOVEMENT is essentially identical, sliders will be a regression and taps/however will be a progression of the movement. Both are part of my lower extremity rehab progressions to get people comfortable with single leg movements. Single leg movements are the GOAL for...

Step downs are a stable in my lower extremity rehab progressions and for good reason. You can isolate/bias one leg without any "cheating" using the other leg like on squats, deadlifts, or lunge variations. Furthermore, depending on which direction (forward, sideways, backwards) the step...

We've covered ton's of different types of banded glute activation drills here on our page. One of the most important things to consider when doing a monster walk is to PAUSE and MOVE SLOW. That brief bit of time on one leg should be...

Shown here is one of our favorite introductory exercises for core and pillar stabilization. You must FIRST MASTER THE BASICS AND FUNDAMENTALS before moving into more progressed "fancy" stuff!! One of the biggest mistakes we see with the chop is people simply leaning into...

Gaining full active terminal knee extension is one of the most important things after any knee injury or surgery, especially after an ACLr. While there are many more “fancy” drills I incorporate from time to time, the single most important thing I emphasize to...

Hip prep is a series of 6 exercises. I use it with my patients to prime the glutes and lower body in general before getting into more dynamic and plyometric activities. I will make the statement right now: if done RIGHT, it's an absolute...

About to go on soapbox…I absolutely hate hearing people say that physical therapy is boring or not challenging. When in PT, you should absolutely be pushed smartly by a DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY (that knows and respects tissue healing timeframes). When you get stronger,...

Repost a series of stories we posted a month ago on a running analysis and subsequent running correction + drills I used with a collegiate cross country runner. Would love to hear what you guys think.🔊 Sound off in the comments! With movement correction...
