HOW: While seated on a chair, roll up a small towel longways and place it behind your neck. Pull the towel forward and down to a 45º angle and while maintaining a pull on the towel, slowly look up towards the ceiling. . Hold...

HOW: Anchor a band to the wall at a height that lines up with your top shoulder. Get set up in a side plank with your top arm outstretched holding the band. With your top arm, pull the band into a row position by...

HOW: Lay on your back on the ground. With an anchored band to the wall behind you, pull the band to loop it above your ankle. From this position, keep your leg straight and allow the band to pull your leg closer to you...

HOW: Begin in a sidelying position with a dumbbell or kettlebell in hand. Prop yourself up with your elbow underneath your shoulder. Push through the forearm to lift the torso away from the ground. With the arm rotated away from the body,, press the weight...

HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height. Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a rotation going towards the back of the body keeping the shoulder blades down. From here, rotate...

HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height. Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a rotation going towards the back of the body keeping the shoulder blades down to assume a...

HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height.  Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a forward push of the shoulder blades while punching your arms in front of you. Begin...

HOW:  Begin in a sidelying position with a band attached at both wrists, knees in a bent position. Prop yourself with your elbow underneath your shoulder. Push through the forearm to lift the torso and the hips away from the ground. Lift the knee of...
