Proper form for the bird-dog was described. Here are a couple variations that can be done to target the anti-rotation core musculature, such as the multifidus and the obliques! There were three variations performed in this video: Clip 1: is a regression of the typical bird dog...

Considering all the terrible shoe wear people have become accustomed to wearing, there is no coincidence how common people have limited Dorsiflexion range of motion. Towards the depth of a squat dorsiflexion is needed, a limitation in dorsiflexion will manifest with HEEL RISE. This limitation can...

The posterior rotator cuff consist of three of the four rotator cuff muscles; Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus & Teres Minor (which are External Rotators of the Shoulder). Now that you have learned how to give this area some flexibility (from the previous episode) here is a great...

"Movement with Mobilization of the Shoulder Joint” If limited shoulder elevation (Abduction or Flexion) is due to a hypomobile shoulder, a movement with mobilization is a great way to IMPROVE MOBILTY. The arthrokinematics of the Glenohumeral joint that occur with arm elevation consists of the Head...

As this video demonstrates there are 4 main components of getting full overhead shoulder mobility with optimal mechanics. These include: 1. Lumbo-pelvic control: poor motor control here will result in excessive extension of the Lumbar spine & Rib flare, which will give you a false sense...

“Core Stability is about optimal control, which is the balance between MOVEMENT and STIFFNESS” –Paul Hodges. To perform this exercise correctly: 1. Step out until the resistance band is of moderate resistance. 2. Palloff Press- coined by therapist John Palloff; a Palloff press is properly executed by bringing...

The majority of people initially contact the floor with the lateral side of their heel, which is why the posterolateral aspect of your shoe probably has the most wear and tear. This initial contact will create a slight pronation moment leading to pronation in midstance. Pronation...

3 Exercises to [P]Rehab your adductor strain [Groin Pain] . If you have played ice hockey or soccer before you are probably familiar with tweaking your groin. A groin strain is an injury to the muscle tendon unit of the adductor tendon or its insertion to the...

Last but not least, therapeutic exercises with the intent of downregulating the nervous system, decreasing inflammation, opening the intervertebral foramen, and postural re-education are effective in the management of cervical radiculopathy. From a mobility standpoint, start first with neural mobilization. The rationale behind neural mobilizations...
