We are HUGE ADVOCATES of the side plank and have highlighted this exercise as well as many variations of it prior. Briefly, the side plank has THE HIGHEST GLUTE MED EMG ACTIVITY OF ANY BODY WEIGHT EXERCISE. The glutes are so important to low back...

Are bird dogs so easy for you that you now find them pointless? Try out these 3 microprogressions for the starting quadruped position to really give your core and glutes a stability challenge. . 1) Put your hands closer together. This narrows your base of support, and...

When considering the concept of stability before mobility during movement, the squat clean is no exception. If a movement begins in a stable manner, more often than not the rest of the sequence will fall into place. In the setup of the squat clean: the athlete’s...

The push up plus has been demonstrated to have one of the HIGHEST EMG LEVELS of ANY SERRATUS ANTERIOR EXERCISE and should be a stable of your (P)REHAB routines. In addition to having high serratus anterior (SA) activation, it also has EXTREMELY LOW UPPER TRAPEZIUS...

Here is another prehab hack to address those forward shoulders. The latissimus dorsi and the teres major (Lat's little helper) can contribute to forward shoulder alignment. This is a contract-relax stretch targeting these muscles, along with other shoulder extensors + internal rotators + scapulae depressors. Start...

it's time to take a look at the mid foot and subtalar joint (STJ). During movement the foot can be an active shock absorber via muscle activation to decrease impact with the ground, this happens when the foot 'unlocks' by pronating. During a squat, the...

This is a great exercise to facilitate dynamic thoracic extension with help from a Swiss ball. Not everyone can get into a quadruped position comfortably, or maintain an optimal position to help facilitate thoracic extension, so here is a seated alternative! There are a few key...

The half-kneeling position provides so many benefits, including local core stabilization, anchoring the pelvis, and challenging the body in all 3 planes of movement. The movement is first broken down into three parts as I describe in the video, SOUND ON people! As you can...

Here are two excellent movements to increase thoracic spine mobility into rotation and extension! When it comes to movement at the spine, it is all dictated by up-gliding and down-gliding of the zygapophyseal joints with RESPECT to joint movement. Up-gliding bilaterally is flexion, versus unilateral up-glide...
