HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up and start with your elbows are your side, lift your elbows...

HOW: While laying face up on the floor cross one leg over and across the other. The closer you bring your foot to your butt on the leg that is on the floor the further you will stretch your opposite hip. If this is...

HOW: While in a seated position rotate towards the desired leg to be stretched. The shin should be perpendicular to your body. Slowly sink down with your chest until you feel a pull in the back of the hip.   FEEL: You will feel a...

HOW: In a seated position place your back up against the wall. While keeping your core engaged raise your leg off the floor as high as you can. Hold for as long as prescribed then return back to the floor.   FEEL: You will feel...
