20 Sep Piriformis Soft Tissue Mobilization – Lacrosse Ball
HOW: Place a lacrosse ball on the ground. Keep the ball off any bones and sit on the ball. Cross the leg you are rolling over the other knee. Apply pressure to your glute with your bodyweight and roll around to help release any...
20 Sep Hip Flexor Foam Roll
HOW: Place a foam roller on the ground and then lay on top, face down, with the roller being at the top of your hip. Use your hands and opposite foot as a guide to roll your body up and down focusing the roller...
20 Sep Adductor Side Plank
HOW: Get set up by lining up your body properly first! Lie on your side, place your elbow and forearm on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Keep your hip in line with your shoulder as you bend the bottom leg’s knee. Align your...
09 Jun Kipping Toes To Bar
HOW: Begin this exercise by hanging onto a pull-up bar. From here, use your lower abdominals and lats to create a rocking motion - alternating between a Hollow and Superman position. s you swing forward, bring your toes up as if you are trying to...
29 May Squat Pulse – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...
29 May Squat – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...
29 May Single Leg Hip Thrust Pulse
HOW: Place your upper back onto an elevated surface, preferably a bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent and hips down to start with. Bring one knee slightly up towards your chest lifting your foot off of the ground....
29 May Single Leg Hip Thrust Pulse, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Place your upper back onto an elevated surface, preferably a bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent and hips down to start with. Bring one knee slightly up towards your chest lifting...
29 May Rearfoot Elevated RDL – Band
HOW: Get set up by placing the middle of a band underneath the bottom of one foot. Grab onto that band with both hands. Place the opposite foot up onto an elevated surface behind you with your toes pushing down into it and your...
29 May Mid Thigh Isometric Hold – Deadlift, Band
HOW: Place a challenging resistance band on the ground. Stand on the band in the middle of it. Grab the band with both hands, hinge forward at the hips while only slightly bending the knees, keep your back flat, and push your hips out. At...