24 Jun Side Step – Band, On Ankles
HOW: Place a band around your ankles, slightly bend your knees, and hinge through your hips - this is the position you will be in throughout the exercise. Start with your feet hip width apart and step to the side. The trailing leg will...
24 Jun Kickstand Deadlift – Overcoming Isometric, Kettlebell
HOW: Grab a kettlebell or weight that is heavy enough that it is difficult to move. Set up in a kickstand position with the kettlebell to the inside of the front leg. Hinging the hips back, reach with your opposite side arm encouraging rotation of...
21 Jun Single leg Wall sit – heel elevated
HOW: Use a slantboard, weight plate, or any other sturdy object to prop your heel up. Place it against a wall to ensure contact between your back and the wall. Place one leg out and slide down into a wall sit. The further you...
21 Jun Single Leg Step Down – Isometric Squat Rack, Weight Behind Back
HOW: Stand on a sturdy 2-6” box//platform pushed up against a squat rack. Hold a kettlebell behind your back as it will help cue an upright trunk position. Hold one leg out and in front of you with the heel floating in a half-squat...
21 Jun Split Squat – Overcoming Isometric, Kettlebell
HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a half kneeling position with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg forward over the...
21 Jun Split Squat Drop Catch – Medicine Ball
HOW: Grab a medicine ball. Set up in a split stance position. Rotate the spine towards the front leg, and hold the ball to the side of the hip. Drop the ball and catch it in a split squat position, once again to the side...
21 Jun Split Squat Jump – Low Depth
HOW: Begin in a deep split squat position, somewhat of a shorter stride length. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is...
21 Jun Split Stance Depth Drop
HOW: Stand on a sturdy box/platform. Step forward with one leg and catch yourself in a split stance position while your trailing leg stays on the box. As you land, make sure you’re pushing your knee over the toes and assuming ~45º trunk angle. ...
21 Jun Squat – Kickstand
HOW: Stand in front of a bench and move into a kickstand position with the toes of your kickstand leg resting comfortably on the ground. About 80% of your weight should be on your standing leg that you’re using to squat to the bench....
21 Jun Squat Jump – Low Depth
HOW: Begin in a deep squat position. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is to be quick but soft. FEEL:...