HOW: Stand up tall with a weight in both hands. Keep your shoulder blades pulled slightly back, head erect towards the ceiling, and shift your weight forward towards your toes. Take slow, controlled, and quiet steps one at a time. Your heels should never contact...

HOW: Place a step on the ground. While standing on the step, step down with one leg crossing behind the leg on the step in a diagonal motion. Reach in that diagonal plane for as far as you can reach while maintaining the other leg...

HOW: In a standing position, loop a band around your legs right above the knees. Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Slightly push out against the band as you bend your knees, hinge at the hips, and squat down. Push into the ground and...

HOW: Maintain a flat back, hinge forward at the hips reaching for your toes while you kick one leg straight back and slightly bend the knee you are standing on. Do this walking forwards and alternating each leg.    FEEL: You should feel your hamstrings, core, and...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with your legs as wide as you can spread them. From here, shift your weight to one side as you perform a deep lateral lunge. Try and sit back on your heel as you bend your knee as much...

HOW: Place a yoga block or med ball in between your knees at the bottom of your inner thighs. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Squeeze the object, then...

HOW: Loop a resistance band around your legs just above the knees. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Put tension on the band rotating your hips slightly outward while...

HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Push into the ground with your feet lifting your hips as high as you can flexing your glutes and engaging your core...

HOW: Begin in an upright seated position in a chair or stool. Place a looped resistance band around your thighs just above the knees. From here, push out against the band feeling the muscles in the side of your hips.  FEEL: You should feel your outer...

HOW: Set up an elevated surface that you will lean onto. The lower the surface the more challenging the plank will be. Place your elbow on the surface and make sure your feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with each other. Lift your...
