09 Aug 90/90 Hip Stretch – Dynamic
HOW: Get set-up in a 90/90 position, you can use a yoga block or something else under your front hip to get into the correct position (follow video for tips and details). Once set-up, keep your thighs, knees, and feet flat against the ground,...
09 Aug 90/90 Hip Stretch – Dynamic, Trunk Rotation
HOW: Get set-up in a 90/90 position, you can use a yoga block or something else under your front hip to get into the correct position (follow video for tips and details). Once set-up, keep your thighs, knees, and feet flat against the ground,...
09 Aug Downward Dog Terminal Knee Extension
HOW: Get set-up in a down dog position, but with your knees bent. Perform the exercise by squeezing your quads to fully straighten your knees, hold that position, then return to starting position and repeat. FEEL: You will feel your quad muscles working with...
09 Aug Downward Dog Terminal Knee Extension – Band
HOW: Get set-up in a down dog position, but with your knees bent. On the side you want to perform the exercise, get a band set-up behind the knee and anchor the band with your hands. Perform the exercise by squeezing your quad to...
09 Aug Reverse Nordic Curl – Assisted
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort. Have a band anchored in front of you with tension on it and hold it with your hands for assistance as needed with the exercise. You can have the...
09 Aug Nordic Hamstring Curl – Assisted
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort and with a partner or weight holding your ankles down. Have a band around your torso that is anchored behind you with tension on it for assistance with the...
09 Aug Anterior Step Up
HOW: Stand behind the box/step. With the side you want to perform the exercise on, step up onto the surface, and then step back down with the opposite leg. FEEL: You should feel the thigh muscles and the butt muscles working in the leg that you...
09 Aug Anterior Step Up To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand behind the box/step. Place the leg you want to perform the exercise with on the box/step, step up and balance on that leg. Squeeze the butt muscles in that leg as you balance, and then step back down. The leg never leaves...
09 Aug Anterior Step Down
HOW: Stand on the step. Shift all of your weight to one leg. With the foot in the air, you will reach forward and lightly tap the ground with your heel, and then come back up to your starting position. FEEL: You should feel...
07 Aug Calf Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....