26 Jun Forward Bear Crawl
HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Move your foot and...
26 Jun Eccentric Supine 90/90 Shoulder External Rotation – Band
HOW: Start by lying on your back looping a band around the bottom of one of your feet. Hold onto the other end of the band with the hand on the same side. Bring your elbow up straight out from your shoulder. Release the...
26 Jun Bird Dog – Bear Position
HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. The wider you are...
26 Jun Half Kneeling Hamstring Glider
HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position with a slider underneath the foot that is up. Hold onto a dowel with the opposite arm to assist you with balance. Slowly straighten the leg onto the slider. Apply pressure through your heel as you’re straightening the...
26 Jun Hamstring Glider
HOW: Start in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Hold onto a dowel with the hand opposite side to the foot with the slider. Begin to slide back while keeping your knee straight. Load the other leg’s heel, push into the...
13 Jun Power Walk
HOW: Start in a tall standing position. Walk as fast as you can while you maintain a strong, tall, posture. Your elbows should be bent up and come up and slightly rotate in with the opposite leg. FEEL: You should feel the muscles in...
13 Jun Single Leg Landing Mechanics
Try to be as springy as possible and quickly absorb the force and explode off the ground with your ankle! ...
10 Jun Split Stance Lunge – Toes Elevated
HOW: Place a weight plate on the ground. Place the balls of your toes on the edge of the weight plate with one foot. Bring the other leg back into the lunge position. Keep your weight forward as you bend the knee on the...
10 Jun Sissy Squat
HOW: Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Push your toes into the ground and raise your heels. From here, drive your knees as far forward as you can. As your knees and hips come forward, your chest and...
10 Jun Push Up Ankle Rock
HOW: Start in the push up position. Bend one knee and bring that foot behind the ankle of the other leg. Keep those toes pushing into the ground and try to push your body backwards driving your heel to the ground and then returning...