HOW: Sit down with your foot directly below your knee. You will be performing this exercise with only one leg. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground and raise your heels off the ground. Your knees should come up in the position...

HOW: Start by lying on your stomach on the floor. Using your back muscles, slowly lift your feet and hands away from the floor. The goal is to hover in a superman position for the prescribed amount of time. The more of your upper...

HOW: Start by lying on your stomach with a band around your ankles. Bend your knees to approximately 90 degrees. Keeping your core tight, slowly try to separate the band with your ankles.   FEEL: You should feel the muscles deep in your hip working...

HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees and feet in the air with a 90deg right angle at your hips and knees. In this position, engage your core and draw your ribcage down. Slowly bring your shoulders and upper back away...

HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees bent. Engage your core by drawing your ribcage down. Bring your shoulders and upper back away from the floor with the goal of bringing your chest to your knees. You may need to wedge...

HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from below. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a lift motion diagonally upwards away from the anchor moving...

HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from below. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a lift motion diagonally upwards away from the anchor moving...

HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from above. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a chop motion diagonally downwards away from the anchor moving...

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding onto a bar with both hands. Keeping your back neutral then press the bar overhead. Your hands, elbows, shoulders, and body should all be aligned at the end position. Slowly return back to the starting position and...

HOW: Perform a bicep curl with a pulley using both arms to lift the load. Take off your opposite hand and slowly lower the weight with the dominant arm.   FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of your upper arm, these are...
