HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through and rotate to your left if wanting to work anti-rotation to your right and vice versa if wanting to work anti-rotation to your left.The torso strap should come around your body...

HOW: Begin with a band attached above the knees. Lying down on your side, bend the hips to 45 degrees. Keep the core engaged to keep space between your trunk and the ground below you. Breathe in to lengthen the area between the sits bones, relaxing...

HOW: Begin in a seated position on a chair, couch, Swissball. Begin by squeezing and lifting the area in between the sits bones. Fully relax in between each rep. Using the breath, we can exhale as we squeeze and inhale to relax. Option to place hand...

HOW: Begin by sitting on a chair, couch, or bench. Tuck the hands behind you or cross the arms across the body.    Keeping the ribs down toward the pelvis, bring the chest towards the knees. Take a breath in as the chest comes towards the knees....

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding on to a kettlebell in front of you. You're gonna take a breath in through the belly relaxing the pelvic floor. Take the hips behind you. Exhale and squeeze the pelvic floor as you drive the hips forward...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with a band anchored behind you at the level of the hips. Feet are positioned wider than the hips, hands across the chest or behind the back. As you breathe in, breathe into the belly and the area between...

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding a weight comfortably at your chest. As you breathe in, breathe into the belly and the area between the sits bones, letting the pelvic floor relax. Lower your body towards the ground. Drive your knees out during the...
