20 Aug Single Leg RDL – Ipsilateral Kettlebell
HOW: Get a weight set up in one hand and pick your foot up off the ground that is on the opposite side of the weight. Keeping your shoulder packed while gripping the weight tight, slowly lower the weight down to the ground just...
20 Aug Single Leg RDL – Contralateral Kettlebell
HOW: Get a weight set up in one hand and pick your foot up off the ground that is on the same side as the weight. Keeping your shoulder packed while gripping the weight tight, slowly lower the weight straight down to the ground...
20 Aug Single Leg Hip Hinge – Dowel
HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about hip-width apart. Place a dowel behind your back with one end making contact with your head and on your tailbone with the other end, the middle of the dowel should also be in contact...
20 Aug Quadruped Fire Hydrant
HOW: Get set-up in a quadruped position on your hands and knees. Start strong in your shoulder blades by pushing your body away from the floor. From here you will lift one leg off the floor and drive your knee out to the side...
20 Aug Quad Set
HOW: Follow this foolproof guide to wake your quad back up! Laying on the ground or on a table with your knee straight and foot supported, attempt to push your knee down and lift your heel off the ground by squeezing your quadriceps muscle...
20 Aug Lateral Lunge – Front Rack Kettlebell
HOW: Get a kettlebell in a front rack position on the side you want to lunge towards. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart holding the weight, then take a large step towards the side you're holding the weight. Allow your...
20 Aug Goblet Squat – Kettlebell
HOW: Hold a kettlebell by the bell or the handles and keep it close to your chest as best as you can. Keep your shoulders lined up over your knees and ankles. Perform a squat while maintaining good form throughout your upper and lower...
20 Aug Goblet Squat – Kettlebell, Band
HOW: Get a band set-up above and around your knees. Hold a kettlebell by the bell or the handles and keep it close to your chest as best as you can. Keep your shoulders lined up over your knees and ankles. Perform a squat...
20 Aug Lunge Matrix – Frontal Plane
HOW: You are going to be moving side-to-side in this exercise. Step to the side into a lateral lunge to the left. Drive your left leg into the ground and push yourself back up. Immediately go into a curtsey lunge with your left reaching...
10 Aug Tibial Rotation
HOW: Get set-up seated with your back supported and support your leg by wrapping your arm under your knee. While keeping your thigh still, rotate your shin bone side-to-side, it is ok for the ankle to help drive the motion. FEEL: You should feel...