03 Jun Posterior Lunge – Walking, Dumbbell
HOW: Start by grabbing two dumbbells of the same weight. Take a step backwards with your left leg and descend into a lung position. Push yourself back up and backward using your back left leg. Then repeat on the right side. The key is...
03 Jun Lateral Lunge – Walking
HOW: Take a step out to the right into a lateral lunge position. Then, pull the rest of your body over your right leg through using the muscles on the inside of your thigh. Next, take another step out to the right and repeat....
03 Jun Anterior Lunge – Walking, Dumbbell
HOW: Start by grabbing two dumbbells of the same weight. Take a step forward with your left leg and descend into a lung position. Push yourself back up and forward using your front left leg. Then repeat on the right side. FEEL: You should...
03 Jun Lateral Lunge – Alternating
HOW: Take a step out to the right into a lateral lunge position. Then, pull the rest of your body over your right leg through using the muscles on the inside of your thigh. Next, take a step out to the left and repeat...
03 Jun Double Leg Landing Mechanics
HOW: Follow along with the video. FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your legs working to control the landing and descent. COMPENSATION: Landing Position. Make sure your knees are aligned over your toes. They should not dive inwards on the landing. Your...
30 May Split Stance Pallof – Press
HOW: Get a band or cable anchored somewhere between waist and shoulder height. While standing perpendicular to the anchor and holding the handle with both hands, get set-up in a split squat position. While holding this position, press your arms forward away from your...
30 May Lateral Lunge Pallof – Press
HOW: Get a band or cable anchored somewhere between waist and shoulder height. While standing perpendicular to the anchor and holding the handle with both hands, press your arms forward away from your chest until your elbows are fully straight. Hold this position as...
30 May ACL Injury Prevention – Field Version
This ACL Injury Prevention Program is designed to be used in field sports like soccer, football, rugby, lacrosse, etc. The program is designed in 3 distinct phases. Phase I: Dynamic Warm Up Phase II: Foundational Strengthening (Hip/core) Phase III: Movement Coordination/Plyometrics/Cutting Phase I Setup: 2 rows of 6 parallel cones,...
30 May ACL Injury Prevention – Court Version
This ACL Injury Prevention Program is designed to be used in court sports like basketball, volleyball, handball, etc. The program is designed in 3 distinct phases. Phase I: Dynamic Warm Up Phase II: Foundational Strengthening (Hip/core) Phase III: Movement Coordination/Plyometrics/Cutting Phase I Setup: 2 rows of 6 parallel cones, spaced...
30 May ACL Reconstruction Surgery Education
“ACL Reconstruction Surgery With @drnimamehran” . 📝 Anterior cruciate ligament connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) and crosses in front of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). It prevents the majority of anterior tibial translation (the tibia shifting forward relative to the femur). It...