21 Jun Split Stance Depth Drop
HOW: Stand on a sturdy box/platform. Step forward with one leg and catch yourself in a split stance position while your trailing leg stays on the box. As you land, make sure you’re pushing your knee over the toes and assuming ~45º trunk angle. ...
21 Jun Squat – Kickstand
HOW: Stand in front of a bench and move into a kickstand position with the toes of your kickstand leg resting comfortably on the ground. About 80% of your weight should be on your standing leg that you’re using to squat to the bench....
21 Jun Squat Drop Catch – Medicine Ball
HOW: Grab a medicine ball. Set up in a double leg stance position. Hold the ball in front of the body at the height of the shoulder. Drop the ball and catch it in a squat position, once again at the height of the shoulder. Hold...
21 Jun Squat Catch – Wall, Medicine Ball
HOW: Grab a foam roller and a medicine ball. Set up facing away from the wall with the foam roller placed at the glutes. Take a double leg stance position. With the medicine ball at shoulder height, drop the ball and catch it in a...
21 Jun Squat Jump – Low Depth
HOW: Begin in a deep squat position. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is to be quick but soft. FEEL:...
21 Jun Staggered Stance Pogos – In Place
HOW: Take a short stride stagger stance position with one foot slightly in front of the other. Rise up onto the toes. Holding the heel rise position, begin to hop on the toes. Jump as high but also as quick as you can. FEEL: You...
21 Jun Wall Sit – Offset
HOW: Place your back against a wall and shuffle your feet out. You can start with your feet in a staggered position or assume this position once you’re in your wall sit. Drop to 90º at your knees and hold for the prescribed time. ...
03 Apr Knee to Post Split Squat
HOW: Begin by standing at a wall. Place a foam pad or soft object between your knee and the wall. Step your rear leg back into a split stance position. Maintaining contact with the wall, drop the rear leg knee down towards the ground. Push...
03 Apr Retro Walking
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Anchor a resistance band or cable at hip height. Wrap the cable behind you, above the hip. Walk back until you feel resistance. Begin to slowly walk backward in a squatted position, loading the toes to the heels. Take small...
03 Apr Standing Hamstring Stretch – Kettlebell
HOW: Grab a relatively light kettlebell or dumbbell. Begin in a standing position holding the kettlebell between your legs. As you hinge through the hips, keep your spine and legs stiff. Push your bottom back slowly until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings....